Meet the Apprentices

Morgan Dunn - Early Help Apprentice 

I’m Morgan and I recently started an apprenticeship in Business Administration for the Early Help Team at Devon County Council. Here is an insight into what it was like for me, going through recruitment and starting my apprenticeship virtually.

My interview was held on Microsoft Teams instead of in an office space. The interview took around forty-five minutes with an informal chat at the beginning explaining more about the organisation and job role. I found that doing the interview online helped me focus and I felt more comfortable. 

When I started my new job role we were still advised to work from home when possible, but I had the opportunity to meet a few of my team members and have some time in the office. I spent the first couple of days with my manager receiving my equipment, setting up my accounts and talking through the induction process. For the first couple of weeks I also went into the office to work whilst I got used to things. 

It has now been nearly two months since I started my apprenticeship with Devon County Council. I have finished all my initial induction training and have settled in well. I work from home every day and regularly check in with my manager and the rest of the team. We also meet twice a week on Teams and its nice to see everyone’s faces!

I would recommend a Devon County Council apprenticeship to anyone who is thinking about taking the apprenticeship route. There are so many different departments and job roles so there is something for everyone! 

Morgan Dunn

Office Support Apprentice for Early Help


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