Apprentice to Professional

Rowan Hodgson - Planning Technician

I began working for Devon County Council in September 2016. I joined as an Apprentice Planning Technician within the Development Management team based at County Hall. I attend Somerset College one day every other week to study a BTEC Level 3 in Town Planning over two years. I’m currently in my second year, where I am still studying my BTEC, as well as an NVQ in Town Planning. I have a lot of assignments to complete, but my colleagues are extremely helpful and help me whenever they can. 

Since working for DCC so far, I have been given the responsibility to work on small planning applications on my own, with the help from colleagues as and when it has been needed. By working on my own applications, it has allowed to me to gain a lot more knowledge as I have had to be more hands on e.g. arranging site visits, visiting the sites and coming to conclusions on whether the application should be approved or refused.

I have been working with numerous colleagues on different projects as well such as, organising and assisting with Monitoring Reports for Devon’s Waste and Mineral Sites and general planning admin tasks. I secured a permanent position in June 2017 as a Planning Technician. 

Once my apprenticeship has finished, I will have the opportunity to study a planning degree and progress my career further, and hopefully become a qualified Town Planner which is extremely exciting!

Rowan Hodgson
Planning Technician


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