Meet the Team

Sam Heaton - Employability Programme Co-Ordinator 

I left school with only 2 GCSE’s and went on to college to do retakes. After leaving college I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life, but I knew I wanted to work in social care. I started working in a care home and I’d been volunteering with the Participation Team for 5 years. The Participation Team is a youth team in Children’s Services located in Devon County Council that promotes children’s rights and gives them a voice. The purpose of the team is to give Children in Care and Care Leavers a voice in the service and allow young people to have a say in the service provided to them. I really enjoyed the youth work involved and I really wanted to get some more youth work experience. The Participation Team told me about an Office Support apprentice opportunity within the team that was ring fenced for Care Leavers. 

Before I got the job, I had to go through a recruitment process which I found difficult as I’d only had 1 job before applying for the role. The process consisted of an application form, supporting statement, assessment centre and formal interview. The feedback I got from the interview was very positive and I was delighted when I was offered the job. 

It was an amazing opportunity that allowed me to gain more experience in working with young people as well as developing my business administration skills, within an office environment. While undertaking my apprenticeship I completed a level 2 and level 3 Business Administration qualification. While completing my apprenticeship I also decided to study health and social care with the Open University, so I had a qualification in children’s social care for when I finished my apprenticeship. During my apprenticeship I learnt so many skills, including managing phone calls, delivering presentations, chairing meetings and writing reports, emails and letters. I also learnt how to work with young people on my own; managing groups and running 1:1 sessions. I was also given various training opportunities, including shadowing other workers which developed my skills in social care as well as administration.

I learnt so much in my 2 years as an apprentice and nearing the end of my contract, I applied for a permanent role which required administrative skills as well as social care skills and experience. I am now working as an Employability Co-ordinator. My role requires me to support Care Leavers in increasing their employability skills by running and developing an employability programme. I wouldn’t have got this job if it wasn’t for all the skills and experience I gained during my apprenticeship. My apprenticeship gave me the opportunity to learn a lot and get hands on experience which really worked for me.  

Sam Heaton
Employability Co-Ordinator


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