Next Step Apprenticeships

Rosie Walker - HR Support Level 3 

I have been working in HR for many years and had always been interested in doing a qualification in HR to progress myself, but the only option would have been to finance the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) professional qualification myself and it was a lot of money.  As soon as I learnt that an apprenticeship may be available in HR, which included the CIPD qualification, I discussed with my manager and my expression of interest was approved.

I started the HR Support Level 3 apprenticeship in January 2018 with Petroc College in Tiverton. I attended college half a day a week for the first year and I’m now working on my work-based project. The overall length of the apprenticeship is 18 – 24 months, which includes end point assessment.

Having assignments set and deadlines to meet was a culture shock to begin with, but once the first one was over it got easier.  The assignments were very relevant to the workplace, so it wasn’t difficult to find examples to include, which made it easier.  Doing a qualification alongside work has felt pressured sometimes but having 20% ‘off the job’ time assigned during the apprenticeship is great as you can use some of that time for assignments as well as learning and development opportunities at work. The first assignment set was a presentation to do in front of the class two weeks later which felt like being thrown in the deep end - everyone was nervous, but we were all supportive of each other and it wasn’t as bad as we had feared!

I’m so glad I chose to do the apprenticeship as I feel I have learnt a lot.  The course content was very practical and a lot of it very relevant for my role.  I feel my knowledge and confidence in my role has increased a lot since doing the apprenticeship, and colleagues have commented on this too.

Rosie Walker
HR Assistant 


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