FarmWise 2018

Volunteering Apprentices at FarmWise.

This year’s annual Farmwise Devon event, organised jointly by Devon County Council and NPS South West Ltd, drew around 1,500 children from across over 30 schools in Devon. 
Farmwise Devon remains to be a fun filled event for children to find out about farming in Devon, and where their food comes from.
This year Farmwise Devon celebrated its sixth year of success, and welcomed 7-year-old Riley Chidgey from Willand School, near Cullompton, who was the 25,000th child to enjoy the Farmwise experience. 
Taking over the entire building at WestPoint, Farmwise Devon covers a wide range of food and farming topics. There are twelve individual zones, made up of the following: Sheep, Beef, Poultry, Wildlife, Arable, Dairy, Food, Environment, Forestry, Fruit, Veg and the Pig Zone. 

Within each zone there are between 6 and 8 individual and mostly ‘hands-on’ activities being managed and coordinated by the Farmwise volunteers; who are kind enough to give up their day to engage with the school children and teachers attending the one-day event.  
The DCC apprentices this year were involved with; setting up the event, coordinating the delivery of the school packs, welcoming the school parties arriving, undertaking the event photography, assisting the zone leaders, problem solving, distributing and monitoring hand wash stations and packing away at the end of the event.

This year was only the second year the apprentices of Devon County Council could get involved with Farmwise Devon, and it was another great success. 
Well done and a big thank you to: Katie Wilson, Emily Mills, Natalie Boyer, Sophie Downer, and Chloe Hawkins. 

Katie Wilson

Business and Administration Apprentice
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