2017 Graduation Ceremony

The DCC 2017 Apprentice Graduation Ceremony

Congratulations to all of our apprentices who graduated on the 16th November 2017 from the Devon County Council Apprenticeship Scheme.

What a fantastic day it was, a big thank you to Jackie Salter who organised the event, Jo Fellows for stepping in to handle the IT and the Apprenticeship Team, Tracey Mills, Gemma Wright and Amy Kyme for helping out.

The day began with the Apprenticeship Team helping to set up the Coaver Conference Room. It was decorated with lots of balloons, streamers and bunting while each table was sprinkled with gems, stars and metallic ribbons. Once the decorations were up we had a run through of the presentation to make sure everything would run smoothly and was ready for the ceremony in the afternoon.

Soon after 1:30pm the guests started to arrive, each guest was given a name badge and directed to their table. We had over 50 people at the ceremony with family and friends of the apprentices present along with Training Providers, Councillors and Senior Officers. After some mingling and eating cupcakes the ceremony was about to start.


The ceremony began with Jacky Wilson, Head of HRs welcome and opening address. Then the presentation of certificates for the Graduating Apprentices. The Manager of each Apprentice would come up and give a short speech about the Apprentice in their department and then the Apprentice would come up to collect their certificates from Councillor Ray Radford, Chairman of Devon County Council followed by a photo.

We had a video created by the Scomis team for their Apprentice Rob, a presentation from Steve with photos of Karl, one of our higher level civil engineers and all the other managers brilliant speeches.

Congratulations to Annabel Martin, Bethany Webber, William Reed, Georgina Killen, Jake Warren & Robert Norton who completed level 2 & 3 Business Administration Apprenticeships and Meagan McCabe & Karl Wright who both completed higher level Civil Engineering Apprenticeships.

Also congratulations to those who could not be there on the day, Molly Gage & Rachel Boyer who also completed level 2 & 3 Business Administration Apprenticeships and Daniel Stevens & Lewis Bovingdon-Boag who completed Level 3 Civil Engineering Apprenticeships

Once the last Graduating Apprentice had collected their certificates it was time for the current Apprentices to collect their first year certificates and have their photo taken.

Current Apprentices

We also had a few words of congratulations from the Chairman Ray Radford and also Councillor Barry Parsons during the ceremony. To end the celebration Jacky Wilson came up one last time with a closing address and thanks. The Graduating Apprentices were invited up for one last group photo.

The Graduating Apprentices

Thank you to everyone who attended the ceremony.

Amy Kyme
 Apprentice Administrator (HR Apprenticeships Team)


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